Wintek Celebrates 50 Years of Innovation and Impact

On Tuesday, May 23, the greater Lafayette community celebrated the 50th anniversary of Wintek — which has empowered state-of-the-art connectivity and communication for families, businesses, schools and farms since its inception in 1973.

On Tuesday, May 23, the greater Lafayette community celebrated the 50th anniversary of Wintek — which has empowered state-of-the-art connectivity and communication for families, businesses, schools and farms since its inception in 1973.

Wintek customers, past and present Wintek employees and leadership, and local decision-makers gathered at The Arts Federation in Lafayette. Together, they enjoyed an event that offered reflection on a half-century of Wintek solutions — from the manufacture and sale of microprocessors to fiber-optic residential and business internet service — and contemplated the innovations yet to come.

Indiana State Representative Sheila Klinker, whose district includes Wintek customers, presented an official proclamation honoring Wintek’s 50 years of service. Mayor Tony Roswarski also presented a recognition of Wintek’s anniversary on behalf of the City of Lafayette. Joining them in attendance was Indiana State Representative Chris Campbell, whose district also includes Wintek customers.

Current Wintek president and CEO Ron Holcomb remarked that when Wintek began, a car cost $3,200, the number-one song was “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree” and you could buy a package of Oreos for 59 cents.

“The fact that Wintek now touches so many lives perhaps could not have been foreseen 50 years ago,” Holcomb said. “But clearly the forces were already at work, even back then. Wintek was developed by visionaries who took action because they loved their community. For that, we are all grateful, and it’s a foundational value we hold dear as we move forward.”

Wintek communication director Rob Ford also engaged special guests in featured conversation.

Steve Belter owned Wintek and served as its president and CEO from 1982 to 2009. Belter and Ford looked back on Wintek’s history and its evolution into Lafayette’s leading-edge fiber-optic internet provider. Ford also welcomed Travis Bailey to discuss technology on the horizon of what the next 50 years hold for Wintek. Bailey began serving as Wintek’s CEO in 2009 and co-owned the company from 2010 to 2019, when Tipmont acquired Wintek. Bailey is currently Wintek’s technology innovation practice leader.

Attendees also enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, beverages and desserts, as well as live music, videos featuring further reflection from Belter, a wall-spanning Wintek timeline, images spanning Wintek’s half-century and more.

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