What do Cisco certifications mean for Wintek?

For our Wintek Business Solutions customers, certifications mean the confidence and comfort of white-glove consultation to make the most of your Cisco network investment.


That’s a lot of letters, but what do they mean? Each group designates a Cisco certification held by at least one member of Wintek’s expert network engineering team. For our Wintek Business Solutions customers, that means the confidence and comfort of white-glove consultation to make the most of your Cisco network investment.

“The certifications indicate that we know all the ins and outs of configuring, maintaining and troubleshooting the Cisco network infrastructure products we use both in-house at Wintek and that we sell to our customers,” says Bryan Wrede, consulting practice manager at Wintek Business Solutions.

For years, Wintek has been a Cisco Premier-Certified Partner — a designation retained through regular examinations and tests. Think of it as mutual accountability: Cisco ensures Wintek network engineers are experts on its products, and Wintek ensures Cisco products and services perform as advertised.

Cisco certification for our individuals isn’t a one-and-done process, either. Wintek experts must earn points through continuing education to regularly recertify.

“Generally, we take training in evolving areas of networking to keep ahead of what the future will bring,” says Travis Bailey, technology innovation practice leader for Wintek Business Solutions. “But we also take refreshers on the latest features available in some longtime services. All of it helps us learn new tools and tricks to help our customers succeed.”

While Cisco certification opportunities emphasize the products and services of this global networking company, they also focus on vendor-agnostic practices and methods.

“When you take a driving test for your license, there’s not a test for each individual car manufacturer,” Bailey says. “Cars are different in unique ways, but the fundamental aspects of stoplights, brakes and steering wheels all work the same. Not every network is made up entirely of Cisco equipment, so knowledge of how Cisco integrates with other equipment is crucial.”

Wintek’s experts also keep pace with additional industry-standard certifications to stay at the leading edge of network technology.

No matter how you spell it, certifications mean Wintek is your trusted local expert for networking.

“We invest a lot more time and training in knowledge transfer and consultative work,” Bailey says. “That is really what differentiates Wintek from a larger retailer simply pushing a box with a product inside.”

Want to talk to Wintek about your business network? Reach out to us at 765-742-8428, email sales@wintek.com or fill out this contact form today.


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